4 Things You Should Know About Mold

Mold and the dangers associated with mold are often misunderstood and misreported. Mold should be a concern for homeowners, business owners, and property managers. Mold can be found both inside and outside of the home and cause a variety of diseases, and some are even fatal. It is unknown just how many varieties of mold exist, with estimates between tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands. Here are a few important facts everyone should know about mold and it's dangers.

How Does Mold Spread?

Mold spores are constantly flying through the air when a mold spore lands in an area that can cultivate it, it begins to spread. Mold needs a few things to cultivate and environment. For mold to grow, it's habitat must be damp with excess moisture, have oxygen, and a food source. Food sources can include produce like bread, cheeses, and other grocery items or bacteria that exist on walls or piping. Mold is most commonly found in darker areas including basements, bathrooms, and kitchens. Mold can also grow inside a building's walls where there are leaky pipes.

What Are The Health Risks of Mold?

Most commonly mold causes allergenic effects. These effects can be relatively harmless and temporary. They can include shortness of breath, coughing, inflammation around the eyes, excess mucus, and itchy skin. However, molds present more dangerous effects on children, elderly, and people with weakened immune systems. Some molds are linked to chronic conditions and even to cancer.

Are All Forms of Mold Dangerous

Mold has a very negative reputation, but in reality, many mold cultures are at the very least neutral, and some are even beneficial. Pharmaceuticals use mold in medicine, and mold cultures are even used to make cheese and beer. Generally, even dangerous mold isn't dangerous in a natural outdoor environment, it is only a problem when mold pollutes indoor air, that mold needs to be dealt with.

What Should You Do If You Notice Mold?

Property managers should not try to handle mold in their building on their own. Home mold tests have been deemed ineffective by professionals due to the fact that mold is almost always present so the test is always positive. Instead, property managers and homeowners should contact licensed mold testers to find sources of mold and test the mold. Mold cannot be accurately identified with the naked eye and in many cases mold can be difficult to find. Licensed testers can find and test for mold more effectively.

Get Mold Tested

If you live in Massachusetts and want your property tested for dangerous mold, call DCM Environmental Testing to set up an appointment.

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