Preventing Mold Growth After A Flood

Dealing with a flood, or any sort of excessive water damage is bad enough, but then adding in the worry that mold may start growing probably just seems unbearable. However, mold growth happens quickly, so It’s best to be proactive and take preventative measures to stop the mold in its tracks.  Remember to keep yourself safe in the process, by wearing waterproof waders, and gloves to avoid contaminants.

Contact Insurance Carrier

Before you do anything, contact your insurance carrier. If there has been a community-wide disaster, it may be quicker to contact the national line rather than the local line that will probably keep you on hold for hours. Be sure to ask what needs to be documented for insurance coverage purposes. If you start cleaning and removing damaged items before taking pictures and documenting, you risk affecting your coverage. Take photos and videos that show extensive damage from all angles, especially on higher-value items.

Begin Drying

Moisture in your home can disperse quickly. The longer you allow it to continue, the longer mold will have to grow and spread, making the cleanup much more difficult. Once you’ve spoken with your insurance carrier, start to open windows and doors to help with circulation. You can also use a fan and dehumidifier to speed up the drying process. Remove large amounts of water by using a sump pump. A wet/dry vac can get moisture that’s been trapped in nooks and crannies. As you clean and dry, continue to take photos for insurance to track the cleanup process.

Remove Wet Materials and Items

Any carpets, furniture or appliances that have been damaged by water should be removed. You can try to dry them, but in doing so you will increase the risk of mold. Any food or water that has gotten wet need to be thrown out, even if they are sealed. Only items that are completely dry, with no question, can be saved. If there is any doubt, it’s best to just throw it out for your safety.

Contact DCM Environmental Testing

If you have experienced flooding or any sort of water damage in your home, having a mold inspection is a good idea for peace of mind. Contact DCM to have your home inspected today!

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