Where Is Mold Most Commonly Found In Houses?

Where Is Mold Most Commonly Found In Houses?

Mold is a fungal growth that thrives in damp places. When mold grows in your home, it can release spores into the air that can be inhaled by you and your family. When humans inhale mold spores, it can lead to a wide range of health effects, including breathing problems, lung conditions, coughing, sneezing, itching, and much more. Mold spore exposure can be especially harmful to people who have preexisting mold allergies or breathing problems like asthma. For these reasons, it’s essential to identify mold growths in your home and remediate them as soon as possible! In this article, we’ll talk about some of the places where mold is most commonly found in homes!



Mold thrives in warm, moist areas of the home, making kitchens an ideal place for it. If there is any sort of leak in your kitchen from sinks, dishwashers, faucets, refrigerators, freezers, etc., then you’re at risk for mold growth in those areas. Mold can also grow on food and in refrigerators, so you should be sure to clean out your cabinets and refrigerator regularly!



Like kitchens, bathrooms have multiple water sources, making them an ideal place for mold growth. Mold commonly grows behind toilets, under sinks, between tiles, in showers, and on things that are frequently wet like bath mats and towels. Frequent steam and condensation from showers can also foster mold growth, so it’s important to ensure that your bathroom completely dries out after every use!



Basements are warm, moist, and dark, making them ideal places for mold growth. The lack of ventilation in some basements can also foster mold growth. If you don’t go into your basement very often, be sure to check it periodically for any leaky pipes and any signs of mold growth!


Laundry Rooms

One more area in the home where mold is common is in the laundry room. Washing machines frequently have small leaks and dryers produce heat, making the area behind the two machines a prime location for mold growth. 


Contact DCM Environmental Testing!

If you suspect that there is any type of mold in your Massachusetts home, contact DCM Environmental today for a free quote on our unbiased mold testing services! Give us a call at (617) 481-5782 or fill out the contact form on our website, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!

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