Why Is Lead Poisoning Especially Dangerous In Children?

Why Is Lead Poisoning Especially Dangerous In Children?

Lead poisoning is an illness that affects tens of thousands of children every single year, and is especially prevalent in the Northeast region of the United States, according to Yale Medicine. Lead poisoning is caused when lead particles find their way into a child's system, usually by inhaling or swallowing them. It happens more easily than you might think. Lead itself is a metal whose particles can be found in several materials commonly found in and around the home, such as pipes, paint, insulation, vinyl flooring, old toys, and even some dishes. Consistent exposure to lead particles over a period of years, or even just a few months, culminates into lead poisoning, which can have devastating effects on your children.

How Does Lead Poisoning In Children Occur?

Lead presents a danger to anyone if ingested or inhaled, but it's especially toxic to children since their nervous systems and brains aren't fully developed yet. Children ages 1 to 3 are especially at risk. Infants and toddlers are constantly putting things in their mouths and are at nose-level with things like window sills, where they can easily breathe in dust containing lead particles. Once lead enters the bloodstream, it comes in contact with the soft tissue and bones, and it only builds over the months and years that the child is exposed to it. Excessive exposure to a source with lead particles in it can cause anemia and poor calcium absorption, among a myriad of other serious issues.

Lead Poisoning Symptoms In Children

Lead poisoning in kids can manifest as abdominal pains, developmental delays, digestion issues, behavioral issues, and difficulties learning. It's important to note that these symptoms can have other causes outside of lead poisoning, so it's vital that those other causes be ruled out before settling on lead poisoning as the cause of a child's behavioral or learning issues. If you and your children live in a house built before 1978, it's likely that lead poisoning could be affecting your child, as lead-based paint was primarily used before that time.

Contact DCM Environmental Testing!

Even if your home wasn't built before 1978, it's always worth it to have your walls checked for the presence of lead paint. Lead poisoning isn't something that should be risked, as it can pose an irreversible threat to you and your children's health and well-being! DCM Environmental provides Massachusetts with effective & unbiased lead paint testing services to protect the health of you and your family! Contact us today by giving us a call at (617) 481-5782 or by filling out the contact form on our website!

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