How To Remove Mold From Your Home

How To Remove Mold From Your Home

Mold is a type of fungus that grows in damp, humid environments like basements, kitchens, bathrooms, showers, and any other area that is prone to moisture. Mold contains microscopic spores that can become airborne and inhaled by people, which is why it’s so dangerous to have mold in your home. When people are exposed to these mold spores, symptoms can arise like coughing, wheezing, fever, and difficulty breathing. In the long-term, mold exposure can lead to insomnia, memory loss, confusion, and several other serious diseases like chronic sinus infections and pulmonary hemorrhages in infants. For these reasons, it’s extremely important to have mold removed from your home as soon as it’s identified. If you believe your Massachusetts home may contain mold, please contact DCM Environmental right away!

How To Remove Small Patches Of Mold From Your Home

The Environmental Protection Agency recommends that if you have a patch of mold in your home that is on a hard surface and is less than 10 square feet, or 3 feet by 3 feet, you can usually handle it yourself without the help of a professional. To do this, you should first look to fix the source of moisture that is causing the mold to grow. This is usually a leaky pipe or some other source of water in the area. Next, dry the area surrounding the mold completely. Finally, scrub the mold off the hard surface using a brush, detergent, and water, and then dry the area again. This method is recommended only for truly hard surfaces like tile and cement, whereas materials like drywall and ceiling tiles should be removed completely or dealt with by a professional because mold can grow past the surface level, so you can’t just scrub it off. 

How To Remove Large Areas Of Mold In Your Home

If a large amount of mold is identified in your home, or you find mold on softer surfaces like sheetrock or ceiling tiles, your best and safest option is to seek the help of a professional. Large areas of mold can be caused by flooding and major pipe leaks. If one of these causes mold growth on drywall or ceiling tiles, they’ll likely have to be removed and replaced because the mold growth will be impossible to completely clean. If you believe your home may contain mold from a flood or pipe leak, contact DCM Environmental for testing services!

Contact DCM Environmental For Mold Testing Services In Massachusetts

If you believe your home may contain mold, contact DCM Environmental. We provide unbiased testing services for mold, lead, and asbestos. Give us a call at (617) 481-5782 or fill out the contact form on our website!

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